Well, I have now recovered from a very enjoyable, and a little exhausting, three days at BETT, although my voice is still a little croaky! As some of you know I was demonstrating Kodu on the Microsoft stand last Wednesday to Friday at the BETT exhibition in London. I really enjoyed the whole experience and it was great to chat to lots of like-minded educators, I’m really pleased with how popular Kodu seems to be and hope lots more teachers start using the software in their classes as it really is fantastic!
For anyone looking to get started using Kodu, it can be downloaded from here. I also made a tutorial video a while back that gives an introduction on how to create a simple game which can be viewed below:
Lastly, if anyone would like to try out some of the sample games I was demonstrating at BETT these can be downloaded using the links below (please note, these are just samples and not fully completed games):
I will be starting my Kodu Olympics competition in school tomorrow so will write another blog post shortly on how that goes.
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