Seasonal Lessons are those that have been created for a specific time of year or purpose, usually for the end of term, charity occasions or activities days.
Seasonal Lessons are those that have been created for a specific time of year or purpose, usually for the end of term, charity occasions or activities days.
Thanks for your christmas webquest I found it very useful. I have a translated copy if anybody wants it to save themselves a job!
I just wondered if you had a definate set of answers! These caused some discusion points not only in class but in form! Thanks my students really enjoyed arguing through what they had found.
Thankyou for publishing excellent materials in nearly every unit you produce. You are a skilled resource maker with great ideas ! and best of all they are all for free i mean you are amazing. !
Thanks for the kind words James 🙂
You are a credit to the profession. I have got lots of ideas from your site and will adapt or use some of your excellent resources for sure. I wish more teachers shared their resources. I have lots of stuff not organised anywhere near you, after all I am male 😉
If you have a topic that you are researching or want to avoid re-creating the wheel, please drop me an email and I will have a look. I have lots of resources going back 20+ years which I have stored in case one day I need them or reminisce for nostalgic reasons.
I hope to take a group to Bletchley Park. Is it easy to sort out and does it keep secondary school kids entertained for about 3 hours?
Thanks again – Jason xxx
Hi Jason
Thank you, glad you like the resources. I’m on maternity leave at the moment so not really after anything but thanks for the offer and I’ll bear that in mind. My colleague organised the trip to Bletchley Park for while I was off so not sure on the logistics myself! I know it was slightly tricky visiting both Bletchley and the Museum of Computing as the latter were not very flexible and actively tried to put us off visiting Bletchley Park completely!