Officially a Lead Practitioner!

I had the great news last week that I am to become an SSAT Lead Practitioner in ICT. Recently I had to attend a selection day at Chelsea football ground where I had to give a presentation about my use of ICT in school. Now I have successfully made it through and will be going to Arsenal Emirates Stadium for a conference and induction on 20th June!

Wouldn’t it be great going to all these football stadiums if I was half-interested in football! Anyway as part of my new role I will be required to hold a seminar in my local area (East Kent) so I will keep you posted as to what that will be about nearer the time.

Colour of the Ink?

Nicki   February 25, 2008   No Comments on Colour of the Ink?

I read somewhere, recently that a school had banned teachers from marking students work in red ink! Apparently they felt that this would traumatise the children in some way seeing red comments over their work! I have never heard anything so ludicrous, does it really matter what colour ink the comments are written in? Is this true? Have some schools actually adopted this policy? I would love to hear your comments on this one!

I’m just relieved I work in a secondary school where this doesn’t apply (I believe the rule was relating to primary schools)

My Updated Website

Nicki   February 19, 2008   2 Comments on My Updated Website

interactiveclassroom.jpgWell I have finally done it, after months of “meaning to” revamp my website ( I have now improved its appearance, quite significantly. The purpose of the website is to share ICT teaching resources that I have developed for KS3, KS4 and Sixth Form. The website is still not quite finished as I have more resources to upload but it’s getting there. Please take a look and let me know your comments.

Finally! OCR Nationals Level 3 in ICT

I have really been looking forward to OCR releasing their specification for Level 3 OCR Nationals. At my school we have been teaching Level 2 since the death of GNVQ’s and have found them really successful.

I am so pleased these have now been released and have to say I am very impressed (in fact it has taken me ages to decide which ones to select as there are so many to chose from!). I’ve finally decided on the following for the single A-Level Certificate:

  • Unit 1 – Digital Business Communication

Students learn how communication technologies are used in a business context and develop templates for various communication documents.

  • Unit 2 – Collaborative Working

Students work as a group to carry out research and produce a group project.

  • Unit 3 – Problem Solving

Students will define a statistical problem to be solved, collect data and collate it using a Spreadsheet then use PowerPoint to present their findings.

  • Unit 4 – Creating a Digital Showcase

Students will use PowerPoint to create an interactive multimedia product to showcase an event or situation.

  • Unit 20 – Web Authoring

Students will design, create and evaluate a ten page website using Dreamweaver.

  • Unit 24 – Internet Past, Present and Future

Students will research the history of the Internet and look at how it is used today, discussing the possible reasons for growth, also exploring possible future developments of the Internet.

With the addition of the following for the Diploma (worth 2 A-Levels):

  • Unit 6 – Advanced Databases

Students will create a normalised database with three tables, interrogate the database and produce reports and a user interface.

  • Unit 8 – Career Planning for ICT

Students will investigate career opportunities in ICT, write a career plan and CV and carry out a presentation and an interview for a job.

  • Unit 10 – Digital Imaging and Photography

Students will investigate the different features available on digital cameras and methods of storing files. They will then use an art package to manipulate images they have taken to present in a portfolio.

  • Unit 16 – Programming for Computer Games

Students will analyse different programming languages and techniques then design and build a program in Visual Basic.

  • Unit 18 – Computer Games Technology

Students will compare different games consoles and handheld devices then investigate various technologies used in creating computer games, including an analysis of hardware requirements.

  • Unit 26 – Project Management

Students will research the different stages of a project and carry out each stage in a project of their own: Analysis, Design, Implementation and Evaluation.

At the moment our students are studying the GCE Applied ICT and find it quite dull, I also find many of the units in this quite boring to teach so I think it is going to be a refreshing change in September!

For more information on the new OCR Nationals Level 3 go to: OCR Nationals Level 3 ICT

My First Post

Nicki   February 13, 2008   No Comments on My First Post

Welcome to my first post on here. I am an ICT teacher living in Kent and am hoping to become a lead practitioner of ICT in the next few months, that is the main reason for me creating this blog as I don’t know very much about “blogging” at the moment and wish to learn more, maybe even encourage some of my students to start too!